Writing erotic novellas or novels is not something I’ve done yet. That isn’t to say that I won’t because it is a possibility in the future. However, there are several reasons why I haven’t written a more extended piece yet.
Short Story Fun
I’ve discovered the fun of writing short stories, and they are quick and to the point. You don’t have to worry about as much character growth, angst, or story arch. With a short story, the more straightforward – the better.
Quantity – I could write a bunch, upwards of seventy-five to one hundred, of them puppies in one year versus five tops if I wrote full-length novels.
Accomplishment – The sense of accomplishment from writing so many books in one year is fantastic. So many people get stuck writing a novel and never publish the damn thing. I know. It took me twelve years to publish my first contemporary romance and twelve days to post my first erotic short story. There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment of producing numerous works and getting them out there to others to read.
Satisfied Readers – With a short story, the highest compliment you can get is that they wished there was more to the book. Or that they didn’t want it to end. With a novel, you might hear that you should have cut a bunch of it out because it was too dull.
Quick Reads – People don’t have a lot of time anymore. There is so much to do. Netflix, Hulu, cable, kids, work, hobbies, and spouses. With a short story, they can get more bang for their time. Whatever bang that is. Fifteen to thirty minutes may be all a busy mom has before bed.
A novel might take her a week to read, and she won’t get the full enjoyment because she had to put it down twenty times.
Erotic Novellas and Novels
That doesn’t mean there isn’t a massive market for erotic novellas or novels because there is.
Strength of Storyline – However, you need to make sure that you have strongly developed characters, a good storyline, growth of the characters, and an attention-grabbing plot outside of the sex scenes. That can be a lot of work when you’re first starting out.
If you choose to write an erotic novel, I recommend you hire a developmental editor to point out the weak areas of your manuscript. You can be too close to your work to see the forest for the trees. I have a wonderful developmental editor for my contemporary novels. When I can’t figure out why in the hell my hero is doing what he’s doing, she can figure it out for me. Thank God!
To learn more check out the below book on how to choose the best pen name for your erotic fiction!

Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!

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Alexia Chase
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