Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Erotic Short Stories: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

There are numerous mistakes that you can make as an author of erotica, and I don’t want you to make those errors. Several of these have already been discussed in previous chapters, but I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight them again.

No Story

There must be substance to your erotic short story. If it is just a compilation of sex scenes with no character development, then you’re writing porn. Submit your account to a skin magazine (or internet porn site) instead of Amazon.


Unless you’re writing a story about alien sex, make the characters and story relatable. Just because it is erotica doesn’t mean the concept has to be over the top. Simple is better than complicated. Most individuals reading erotica are doing so to escape and prefer a good happily ever after. Give it to them!

Head Swapping

Another problem that a lot of new authors struggle with is swapping heads in the middle of scenes. Don’t. It is too confusing, and your reader can’t relate to either of the characters. Instead, you should use different points of view in separate scenes, if not chapters or books.

Gratuitous Sex

Yes, erotica is based on sex. However, sex needs to have a purpose. Gaining confidence. Growing closer to another person. Exploring their identity. Searching for acceptance.

No Knowledge

Not knowing what you are talking about is the next author faux pas. If you don’t understand the topic you are writing about, it won’t sound authentic. For example, if you are writing gay erotica, you need to know what sex acts that men can do and enjoy doing together. Or if you are writing a bondage story, you need to not only know how the parties have sex, but you need to understand why someone enjoys being a dom and a sub. Otherwise, it will sound stupid.


Mixing Tense and Person

Another issue that new authors run into is sticking with the same tense (i.e., present, past, or future, and the many variations of the same). When you don’t have a sound grasp on the English language and grammar, you must have a high-quality editor to whip your shit into a decent manuscript.

I was pretty good at English, have been writing as a professional for over twenty years, have a college degree, and attempted to become an author for twelve years – and still mess stuff up. If you’re struggling, you should write a short story and then get an editor. It is a reasonable expense to learn how to be a better writer.

Not Having an Audience

It is extremely tough to grow traction as an Indie author or as a published author for that matter. Publishing houses aren’t taking a risk on newbies without an audience either. So built that audience.

Over and Under Pricing

It is a challenge to decide what will be the best pricing point for your books. However, by researching your genre and reviewing the information provided by Amazon, you can make an educated decision about price. It can be a bitter pill to swallow that you put in hours of blood, sweat, and tears, and you aren’t able to get huge royalties. But it is a part of building yourself up in a very competitive marketplace.

Believing Someone Will Steal Your Work

It is common for new authors to worry that another person is going to steal their work. When you’re first started out, you will hold onto your words like they’re your first-born child. Within a year, you’ll loosen up. By your third year, you’ll be passing that kid around like it takes a village to raise it. You won’t care who picks it up!

Now, on a more serious note, there is so much information out there that someone finding you and wanting to steal your stuff does not have a high probability of occurring. And, the web is your friend. If someone steals from you, you have a digital footprint to follow from email, Amazon, FB Messenger, FB Newsfeeds, and other databases (Fiverr, Bookspout, etc.) that you use. You will have the evidence you need to prove ownership if required.

6 More Mistakes to Avoid

Concerned about making a mistake? There are six more mistakes that you must avoid. Click here to read about them all.


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Messing Around with Erotica: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

Not that kind of messing around!

In this chapter, I’m talking about trying different strategies to see if you get increases in sales.

Book Covers

One thing that can make or break a book is the book cover and cover images. People do judge a book by its cover. If you have a book that isn’t getting any attention, you can try changing the book cover design. Pick a different cover image, change the color scheme, or move the title and author name to different locations. When making these changes, see what is selling well in your market and keep some of the same elements. But don’t copy another person’s work!


Another option you have when updating or tweaking your book is to change the title. Some people use keywords in their book titles to ensure people who like those types of scenarios see the book. That way there is no question what the book is about.

Book Description

Your book description can sell or kill your book. To capture your reader’s interest, the book description must tell the potential reader what the book is about. Don’t forget to add those trigger warnings.


Price Points

Money. The root of all evil, or the key to a comfortable living. Either way, if your books are for sale, then you need to play around with your sales price. Amazon also has this neat feature in the pricing section where you can compare your work with other work of a similar nature and discover what the optimal sale’s price would be. You can choose to go with that price or a different one. Not to mention, you can continue to change your book price as time goes on.

Book Reviews

Book reviews are necessary to get sales. There are millions of books on Amazon, so you must find a way to stand out from the crowd. The more positive reviews, the more social proof that you have. However, bad reviews seem to be better than no reviews. Moreover, if your reviews give you sound advice or point out grammatical errors, fix what you can, and re-publish. When you do your description, include that the book has been updated and improved.


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Magnifying Your Reach with Erotic Short Stories: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

While writing erotic on its own can be exciting, let’s not kid ourselves, you want to make money. I know, for me, becoming a published author on Amazon was a huge accomplishment. I’ve spent countless hours writing, publishing, and marketing over the last three years.

However, achievement is not my only goal as an author. I would also like to have an impact on people and to be able to make a living with my writing. Both goals take persistence and dedication to achieve.

The exciting thing about erotica is that if you produce a lot of quality content, then you can speed up the timeline to being known and making money. I should know. With my first three months as a published erotic short story author, I’ve ten times my Amazon profits versus my three years as a non-fiction author. What does that say? People are seeking escape and pleasure.

If you’ve decided to try your hand at writing erotica, there are several additional things that you can do to expand your reach.

Email Lists

As they say, the money is in the list. To ensure that your fans known when your next book is coming out, you need a way to contact them. True, you could depend on your fans to follow you on Amazon and let them do the work, but you have no control over Amazon. If your fans are on your list, you can make sure they receive timely notices of new books and promotions.


Another way to enhance your reach is through a website. With a website, people have a centralized location where they can find you. On your website, you can display your books, write a blog, set up swag promotions, display book excerpts, etc. Furthermore, you can use your website to set up Pinterest pins, Facebook posts, and other marketing ideas. One word of warning – setting up multiple accounts is a pain in the ass.

About Page

On your website, it is essential to have an about page. This page is where you can tell your story and connect with your readers. Make it fun.

Contact Page

Again having ways for your fans to connect with you is invaluable. Get them on your list.


One way to get people on your email list is to have freebies. These freebies can be on your website, in Facebook posts, via Pinterest, or inside your books. The more avenues you have available for readers to get onto your list, the better off you are. What freebies should you use? A few examples of freebies that fans might like to receive include chapters of future books, epilogues, and free books.


Another way to reach new readers is through advertisements. If you are in KDP Select, you can promote your book for five days out of each quarter. These promotions can be free days or Kindle Countdown Deals. Furthermore, you can choose to have all five days done together or spread out over time. During these promotions you will want to contact diffident book promotions sites to run ads for you. Some are free, and some are paid.


Social Media

Social media is a great way to expand your reach. It is important to have a Facebook page to post upcoming books, cover photos, book quotes, or information about your writing process.

Pinterest is another format that you can use. If you have a website, you can make blog posts for each of your books and post them on your Pinterest board. Another option to further your reach with Pinterest is to get on group boards for books and/or erotica.

Twitter has been said to be the best format for erotic writers to connect with their fanbase. I’m excited to try this one in the future.

Instagram is another option for furthering your reach. I’ve not investigated this one yet, but I can see the benefit of sharing your book covers via Instagram as that platform is heavy on images.

Book Reviewers

Another way to increase your reach is to have your book reviewed by well-known book reviewers. These individuals run blogs that focus on book reviews and love to share good, new books for their reviewers to check out. There are several of them out there.

However, I would be weary of those who contact you as they will want money for their service. Not to say that the product, for some of these bloggers, isn’t high-quality, but there are questions regarding how much traction you will get based upon these reviews. I would recommend keeping your expense down as much as possible.


I love Booksprout. It is a great way to get reviews of your book. I’ve tried getting reviews for non-fiction but have not had any luck. Most of the readers on this site are fiction fans. Anyway, you can use this site to showcase your books and get honest reviews to be posted on any site that your books are published through.


If you write short stories, you can package those stories into bundles and publish them as a book package. This is a great tool to discount your books for readers, but to get you higher profits for each item sold.


People are busy. As a result, they like to listen to books during their commutes, when cleaning the house, and while working out. Erotica is no different. The next time you see someone sitting on the bus with earbuds in, you might take a second to imagine what she’s listening to. Her next audiobook could be yours.

Granted, there is a lot of expense if you hire someone to read and produce an audiobook for you, but there are options available for an ambition person to do their own voice work. You will need a space with good acoustics, a microphone, an ACX account, and lots of patience.

Anthology and Collaborations

Another option to speed up your rise to the top of the Amazon charts is to team up with other authors in your genre. You can do this by politely contacting other authors and offer your support., collaboration opportunities, or just a friendly introduction. You never know what opportunities are available out there until you try.

Be sure to contact only those authors whose work you feel is polished and fits your publications. If you just write about BDSM and the person you are trying to get to share your work with their readers or to join in a collaboration effort writes about shapeshifters, your audience is going to be vastly different.

Other Sites

If you aren’t interested in being exclusive with Amazon, there are other sites available for you to publish your works. However, if your material is available somewhere else, you won’t be able to participate in Amazon’s promotional programs. Other sites include Apple, Sony, Kobo, and Nook.

There are numerous publishing formats available these days. However, Amazon is still king, and it is easy to publish on Amazon. In the past, you needed a mobi file to upload a manuscript to Amazon, but now just about any type of document will work.


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Publishing Erotic Short Stories on Amazon: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories – How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

There are numerous publishing formats available these days. However, Amazon is still king, and it is easy to publish on Amazon. In the past, you needed a mobi file to upload a manuscript to Amazon, but now just about any type of document will work.

Kindle Create

Even though you can upload a .doc file or even a .pdf, I prefer to use Kindle Create, which is a free program that you can download to your computer. The program allows you to see what your book will look like on different types of reading devices (phone, tablet, and computer), click on what your book looks like, and click on the table of contents. Kindle Create also prepares a polished looking document.


Another program that is free to download on your computer is Calibre. I also use this program at times to produce a mobi or pdf file. If your document is extremely large, then Calibre is a better choice than Kindle Create which tends to produce an error message when working with large files.

Amazon Author Account

Once you’ve prepared your document for download, you will need an Amazon Author Account. It isn’t complicated to open an author account. After following the steps as set out by Amazon, you will be directed to your bookshelf.


Your Amazon Bookshelf will allow you to create a new eBook. There are several different functions on the Amazon eBook publication site. However, I will only detail the aspects that you must include to have your book published. You will need the following things identified before publishing – book title, subtitle (if necessary), author name.


Book Description

The next section that you need to have prepared is a book description. This is the snippet that will be visible to readers searching for a book to download. As a result, you should write something that summaries your book and would entice someone to want to download or purchase the document. I would recommend looking at book descriptions for other books in your chosen genre to see what they have listed.

About the Author

Many people like to include an about the author section in the book description. This is a small snippet of information that lets people know a little bit about you. It is not necessary, but it can help people connect with you.

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    Another section on the Amazon publishing program is the keyword section. These words are to be reflective of the content of your books but are not a part of your book’s title or category.


    You can choose two categories for your books to be found in. The two main categories for erotica are erotica and erotic romance. There are also other potential categories that you can have your book added to. However, you will need to contact Amazon KDP Customer Service.


    Before you can scroll down to the bottom and save your information, you need to indicate whether you own the copyright for the manuscript. This should be answered as yes.

    Ready to Publish

    The next section asks whether you are ready to publish or set for pre-release. If you are prepared to publish, then you need to “click” the ready to publish button and save the information.

    Upload Manuscript

    Now, it is time to upload your manuscript. Here you will upload whatever format you’ve chosen for your book. Again, you can upload numerous different types of documents to Amazon.

    Upload or Create Cover

    Next, you will upload or create your own book cover. Unless you know what you’re doing, you should have a cover made for you.


    Once you’ve uploaded your manuscript and your book cover, you will have the option of previewing your book. You can scroll through the book and look at each page to see if there are any errors. Making changes prior to publishing is important.

    If everything looks good, then you are ready to move to the next section. The bottom of the page has an ISBN section, but you don’t need to add anything there. Instead, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit save and continue.

    KDP Select

    If you want to have your book available for Kindle Unlimited (KU) subscribers and receive money for pages read and participate in free or countdown promotions, then you must “click” yes. There isn’t a lot of money in KU pages read, but it is worth it for erotica. A lot of people who read erotica subscribe to this service.


    In the past, an erotic short story would typically go for $2.99. That is not always the case now. You will still get pages read, but you might not get as many sales at that price point; unless you are a top known author. As a result, you might be better off putting your book in for the 30% plan and price your book at $.99. It isn’t much per book, but you are more likely to get sales at this price point.

    Other Sections

    Again, there are other sections, but these are the necessary ones. Now, you’re ready to scroll down and “click” publish. Yes!

    In the next 24 to 72 hours, your book will be available for purchase, and you are a published erotica writer.

    To learn more about each of these sections, click on the book below and write your first erotic short story!


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    Alexia Chase


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    Book Content for Erotic Short Stories: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

    When preparing a manuscript for publishing, several components need to be included. In this chapter, I’ll explore those required components.

    Book Title

    You will need to identify a book title that is the appropriate fit for your manuscript. Think of something that is a catchphrase from the book or summarizes the theme of the book. Don’t get too cute. People haven’t read the book yet, so they aren’t going to get adorable or quirky titles that you think are funny.

    Book Cover

    When designing a book cover, you should scan through books in your genre. Are other authors using faces? Bodies? Couples? Clothed or unclothed models? Symbols? Vector images? Dark backgrounds? Light backgrounds?

    Once you’ve identified a feel that fits with your genre, then consider how you could use that concept with your book cover. If you are comfortable with designing your own book covers, then there are YouTube videos and programs that can easily be used to make your own covers and save you money.

    If you are uncomfortable with designing your own covers, there are people on Fiverr that can do a decent job with designing covers. Or there are numerous sites available that sell pre-made covers. However, those take forever to go through and may not fit your book perfectly. I prefer to find a stock image that matches my book and have a Fiverr designer to make my covers. The most important thing is that for erotic short stories, I would not spend a large sum of money for a top book cover designer. It isn’t necessary.



    When selecting the picture for your book cover, it is recommended that you spend a little extra money and get a stock photo plan. There are a wider variety of images to choose from and the images are better quality. Not to mention, you will have less likelihood of ten other people in your genre using the same image. With free photos, you will find numerous people having used the same models for their covers.

    Title Page

    On the title page, you will need to type the title of your book, author name, and year of publication.

    Publisher’s Page

    If you are your own publisher, you can put down the same information as the title page and yourself as the publisher. Additionally, you can make your own publishing company name if you would like to have a more professional look for your book.

    Copyright Page

    All professional quality books should include a copyright page. This page directs the reader not to copy, duplicate, or use your property as their own. There are examples of copyright pages online, or you can have an attorney draft one for you.

    Table of Contents

    If you are using a Microsoft Word document, you can use headings for your chapters to develop hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow your reader to click on the different chapters or sections to switch to that location in your book.

    This can be helpful if the reader wants to go back to a specific area in your book and re-read the information. More importantly is if they’re going to your author page for your contact information or the review page to leave you a book review. The table of content’s function is under the references tab of a word program.


    Next, you will want to include a page with your book excerpt. The book excerpt should be approximately two to three paragraphs of your story where the action or intensity is beginning to heat up between your characters.

    This passage should entice the reader to want more. If you publish on Amazon, a reader can download a “free” sample of your book or click on the “look inside” feature. When a reader gets this free portion of your book, the excerpt should be a part of that sample. By including a tantalizing excerpt, you can pique the reader’s interest and get a sale.

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      Now’s the place for the good stuff. Your manuscript should go here. Each chapter should have at least the “number” of the chapter and “chapter” listed at the top of the page. After these words are typed, then you need to “click” on the “heading 1” tab on the home page, if using Microsoft Word. This allows the chapter to be a hyperlink and can be automatically added to the table of contents once the book is complete.

      About the Author

      After the conclusion of the book, you should add a section about the author. This doesn’t need to be extravagant. A small blurb about you and how to contact you is sufficed.

      Book Review

      The last thing that must be included in your book is a request for a book review. As Indie authors, we need book reviews like drug addicts needs their fix. Without social proof that a book is good, there won’t be any sales. Moreover, please review the books of your favorite Indie authors. They’ll love you for it.

      Event those negative reviews can be helpful. They can assist you in improving your future writings, give advice on how to update the current work and re-publish, or provide insight to another author hoping to avoid the same pitfalls. Most importantly, it let’s future readers know what to expect and how to spend their money and time wisely. Because we know both money and time are the most essential commodities.

      Click on the book below to learn all you need to know to write your first erotic short story!


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      Alexia Chase


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      To Plot or Not to Plot an Erotic Short Story

      When I began writing years ago, I was a pantster. A pantster is someone who writes by the seat of their pants. They don’t have an overall plan for their book and let the characters lead them where they want to go.

      Creative Flow

      At that point in my career, I felt that plotting, or writing an outline, would hurt my creative flow. But by not writing an overview, I was causing myself problems in the long run. Without an outline, I got lost in the story. I didn’t have proper character development and never had any idea how long the book was going to be. For a short story, this might not be a huge deal, but for a novel, it meant I had a lot of work to do during my second draft.

      No Growth

      Sadly, without an outline, you can get to the end of a manuscript, and your characters have had zero growth That is not a fulfilling novel for people to read. Your book needs action, conversations, and growth.

      Chapter Totals and Wordcount

      Now, I don’t write anything without an outline. It is much easier to keep the chapter and wordcount similar from book to book. Furthermore, I can decide on the story arch before I begin writing. It makes the process of storytelling less daunting. All you must do is finish one chapter. Then, once that chapter is fully fleshed out, you can move on to the next section.

      Why People Give Up

      I think one of the reasons that people give up on writing is because their characters get lost or start doing something else. And when your characters go off script, you have a bunch of work to do to make what you’ve already written flow with these new actions. This results in massive rewrites or tossing the manuscript in the trash.

      Stop the Overwhelm

      On the other hand, when you have an outline to go by and know what each chapter should include, it makes writing easy. My chapter summaries do not include everything that’s going to happen. Instead, I have a general idea of what is going to occur and what the characters are supposed to be feeling and/or doing. An outline keeps the story focused, your characters making progress, and allows you to break free from the overwhelm.

      With a short story, there isn’t as much anxiety involved due to the concise word count. However, I still outline all my books. Right now, I have outlines for ten short stories and eight contemporary romance novels. I don’t have to stress about what to write when I finish a project. Additionally, when my mind is toast, but I still want to do something productive, I write an outline for another book.

      Benefits of Outlines for Short Stories

      Why would I recommend that you write an outline for a short story? An overview easily keeps your word count in mind with a short story. With a short story, your goal is to be under 7,500 words. If you don’t have an outline, you may be done way too soon and nothing, but sex has happened, or you might end up with a rambling 15,000 short story with not enough plot to be a novella.

      Moreover, you want to ensure that your short story contains a plot and character development. With an outline, you can explore your theme, character traits, and what you want your book to achieve.

      Outlines don’t have to be extensive. However, if you are comfortable with doing a fully explored outline, you may have scene description, dialogue, and character development plotted out. You don’t have to be handcuffed to your summary. If your characters start behaving in unusual ways – go with it.

      With every experience we have in life, we continue to evolve. What sounded like a great idea several months ago, may not work anymore. Whenever your plot begins to deviate, you can update your outline, or consider if your outline is still plausible with adjustments made as you work.

      Click on the book below to learn all you need to know to write your first erotic short story!


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      Alexia Chase


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      What Type of Story Do You Want to Tell? The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories How to 10X Your Amazon Profit By Writing and Publishing Erotica

      There are many different types of erotica. There is straight, anal, oral, sex toys, virgin, daddy, older woman/younger man, bondage, gay, ménage, harem, reverse harem, kidnapping, and countless other categories of erotic stories. The scenarios are endless once you start thinking about them.

      However, if you did your background work, like you were supposed to, you should know what you won’t do and stick with it. You will feel better about yourself in the morning. No one wants to do that walk of shame at 3 a.m.

      In my opinion, there are five main types of erotic stories.

      Happily Ever After

      The first type is happily ever after. This is the type of book that I focus on. I will always prefer the “ah” factor over the “shock and ah” factor. With a happily ever after book, whatever character configuration you’ve dreamed up, the characters will fall in love and ride off into the sunset together – unless they’re vampires and then you’d better keep them in the moonlight.

      Happy for Now

      Happy for now is the next type of erotic story. This storyline is where the characters are content with the sex acts that they’ve engaged in, but there is no long-term commitment desired or achieved.


      The next type of erotic short story is the serial. These stories are those where the characters complete “episodes” in a longer story arch. They are more like television shows where the same characters participate in multiple sequential books.


      Another type of erotic short story is the prequel. People hate prequels unless they know about it ahead of time. Don’t trick people into reading a short story to get another part of the story later. It’s rude and will leave you with no fanbase.


      The last category is fetishes. These are the bizarre types of situations that some people find erotic. Examples of these situations include – animals, aliens, urinating, defecating, incest, dressing up as animals, dressing up as babies, pregnancy, orgies, bondage, slavery, and kidnapping to name several.

      Now, this does not mean that a specific kink can’t be used in a different type of erotic story and turn into a happily ever after. For example, bondage is one of the most popular kinds of fetishes that has been seen in happily ever afters in recent years. However, I don’t want to be reading a happily ever after where the dude is wearing a diaper and sucking on a bottle or the gal for that matter. Not going to happen.

      To further clarify, if the sole purpose of the short story is to focus on the kink and has no romance or character development, then the goal of the book is the fetish. And, to me, most of those books are kind of cringeworthy.

      Which Will You Choose?

      So, what will be your focus? Will you choose one type of storyline or mix and match? The only problem with changing from happily ever after to pure fetish is that your fanbase can get angry and leave nasty reviews. Granted, people don’t leave a lot of reviews, but if they are mad enough, they will.

      To learn more check out the below book on how to choose the best pen name for your erotic fiction!


      Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!


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      Alexia Chase


      #writeeroticshortstories #startpublishingtoday #sweetromance #dirtysex #happyeverafter #quickreads #shorteroticstories #erotica #contemporaryromance #eroticsex

      Why Write Short Erotic Stories Versus Novellas or Novels? The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories: How to 10X Your Amazon Profits by Writing and Publishing Erotica

      Writing erotic novellas or novels is not something I’ve done yet. That isn’t to say that I won’t because it is a possibility in the future. However, there are several reasons why I haven’t written a more extended piece yet.

      Short Story Fun

      I’ve discovered the fun of writing short stories, and they are quick and to the point. You don’t have to worry about as much character growth, angst, or story arch. With a short story, the more straightforward – the better.

      Quantity – I could write a bunch, upwards of seventy-five to one hundred, of them puppies in one year versus five tops if I wrote full-length novels.

      Accomplishment – The sense of accomplishment from writing so many books in one year is fantastic. So many people get stuck writing a novel and never publish the damn thing. I know. It took me twelve years to publish my first contemporary romance and twelve days to post my first erotic short story. There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment of producing numerous works and getting them out there to others to read.

      Satisfied Readers – With a short story, the highest compliment you can get is that they wished there was more to the book. Or that they didn’t want it to end. With a novel, you might hear that you should have cut a bunch of it out because it was too dull.

      Quick Reads – People don’t have a lot of time anymore. There is so much to do. Netflix, Hulu, cable, kids, work, hobbies, and spouses. With a short story, they can get more bang for their time. Whatever bang that is. Fifteen to thirty minutes may be all a busy mom has before bed.

      A novel might take her a week to read, and she won’t get the full enjoyment because she had to put it down twenty times.

      Erotic Novellas and Novels

      That doesn’t mean there isn’t a massive market for erotic novellas or novels because there is.

      Strength of Storyline – However, you need to make sure that you have strongly developed characters, a good storyline, growth of the characters, and an attention-grabbing plot outside of the sex scenes. That can be a lot of work when you’re first starting out.

      If you choose to write an erotic novel, I recommend you hire a developmental editor to point out the weak areas of your manuscript. You can be too close to your work to see the forest for the trees. I have a wonderful developmental editor for my contemporary novels. When I can’t figure out why in the hell my hero is doing what he’s doing, she can figure it out for me. Thank God!

      To learn more check out the below book on how to choose the best pen name for your erotic fiction!


      Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!


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      Alexia Chase


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      Real Name Versus Pen Name When Writing Erotic Short Stories: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories – How to 10x Your Amazon Profits by Writing and Publishing Erotica

      Girlfriend, if you’ve got the balls enough to write erotic short stories under your real name, I bow down to you. You’ve got a leg up on the rest of us.

      I write under a pen name. In a lot of ways, I wish that I didn’t. However, my job requires anonymity. Now, if I ever break into the best seller’s list of erotica, or when I retire from my day job, look out. My career will be toast, and my name will be out there. But for now, I will write in a cloak of darkness.

      Real Name Benefits

      What are the benefits of writing while using your identity? You can promote your works to people that you know. It is easier to gain traction when people can put a face and voice to the name on a book. You don’t have to worry about someone finding out your secrets and using it against you. And, you are living your true self. You don’t have to make up some crazy-ass reason why you’re always too busy to go out on the weekend because you’re publishing sex books. There are only so many times that people will believe you’re washing your hair.

      Real Name Downfalls

      However, there are problems with writing while using your own name. Your work can be compromised. People can hold it against you, and your family could be embarrassed. You probably won’t get to become President. Well, that might not be the case anymore. Furthermore, you might not be as free with your writing if everyone knows that you are behind the ink.

      Pen Name Benefits

      For most people writing under a pen name is the safer choice. You can avoid friction at work and keep your family free from scandal. Not to mention, you may be open to exploring certain relationships or acts that you wouldn’t if your name was tied to the document.

      Pen Name Downfalls

      On the other hand, when you write under a pen name, you are unknown. You have no traction. It makes it hard to get a following or to get those much-needed book reviews for social approval. It is hard to be seen and heard on the internet.

      In most cases, it is reported that it takes thirty months to be known on the internet. That’s a long time to get the toehold you need in order to make a profit. This length of time is not always necessary. With erotica, if you put out quality material, and a lot of it, you can become known much quicker.

      Choosing a Pen Name

      If you decide to go with a pen name, the choice should not be as simple as tossing a dart at a board. Or pinning that tail on a donkey. Some consideration should be given to the selection.

      To learn more check out the below book on how to choose the best pen name for your erotic fiction!


      Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!


      Buy Now!

      Alexia Chase


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      Morals to Ponder When Writing Erotic Romance Short Stories – The Ultimate Guide to Writing Erotic Short Stories: How to 10X Your Amazon Profits by Writing and Publishing Erotica

      I grew up in a Christian home that did not discuss sex or the human body. No one told me about puberty or menstruation; or what to expect. Furthermore, there was no discussion regarding sexual acts or intimacy. As a result, everything I learned was through romance novels, porn, or experience. The whole act of sex was shroud in secrecy and guilt.

      Age is a beautiful thing. I’ve now moved past all my Christian fears of sex and intimacy. However, I’m still a bit of a traditionalist, believe in monogamy, and won’t write about rape, statutory rape, incest, animals, or people who like to prance around wearing diapers.

      My moral compass requires consensual adults and a happily ever after.

      Taboo Subjects

      Taboo Subjects – What are you unwilling to write? That is the first thing that you should consider when starting down the path to writing erotic stories. What are your taboo subjects? Once you’ve identified those, you can make a pact not to blur those lines.

      Moral Uptightness

      Moral Uptightness – To work beyond your moral uptightness, you must address any issues that remain from your childhood. For some people, morality won’t be an issue. On the other hand, for those who grew up in a home where sex was not discussed or was considered embarrassing or dirty, you will need to work past some issues to begin writing erotica.

      Overcome Your Concerns About Writing Erotica

      How can you overcome these concerns? First, you must identify any hang-ups that you have. Second, you need to consider how those issues came about. Again, they are likely the result of your upbringing. Third, you must address how those beliefs from your childhood are not beneficial to your present. Lastly, you should re-frame your old beliefs into new ways.

      There are several other issues to consider when preparing to write your first erotic short story.

      Check out the below book to get started today!


      Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!


      Buy Now!

      Alexia Chase


      #writeeroticshortstories #startpublishingtoday #sweetromance #dirtysex #happyeverafter #quickreads #shorteroticstories #erotica #contemporaryromance #eroticsex