There are numerous publishing formats available these days. However, Amazon is still king, and it is easy to publish on Amazon. In the past, you needed a mobi file to upload a manuscript to Amazon, but now just about any type of document will work.
Kindle Create
Even though you can upload a .doc file or even a .pdf, I prefer to use Kindle Create, which is a free program that you can download to your computer. The program allows you to see what your book will look like on different types of reading devices (phone, tablet, and computer), click on what your book looks like, and click on the table of contents. Kindle Create also prepares a polished looking document.
Another program that is free to download on your computer is Calibre. I also use this program at times to produce a mobi or pdf file. If your document is extremely large, then Calibre is a better choice than Kindle Create which tends to produce an error message when working with large files.
Amazon Author Account
Once you’ve prepared your document for download, you will need an Amazon Author Account. It isn’t complicated to open an author account. After following the steps as set out by Amazon, you will be directed to your bookshelf.
Your Amazon Bookshelf will allow you to create a new eBook. There are several different functions on the Amazon eBook publication site. However, I will only detail the aspects that you must include to have your book published. You will need the following things identified before publishing – book title, subtitle (if necessary), author name.

Book Description
The next section that you need to have prepared is a book description. This is the snippet that will be visible to readers searching for a book to download. As a result, you should write something that summaries your book and would entice someone to want to download or purchase the document. I would recommend looking at book descriptions for other books in your chosen genre to see what they have listed.
About the Author
Many people like to include an about the author section in the book description. This is a small snippet of information that lets people know a little bit about you. It is not necessary, but it can help people connect with you.
Another section on the Amazon publishing program is the keyword section. These words are to be reflective of the content of your books but are not a part of your book’s title or category.
You can choose two categories for your books to be found in. The two main categories for erotica are erotica and erotic romance. There are also other potential categories that you can have your book added to. However, you will need to contact Amazon KDP Customer Service.
Before you can scroll down to the bottom and save your information, you need to indicate whether you own the copyright for the manuscript. This should be answered as yes.
Ready to Publish
The next section asks whether you are ready to publish or set for pre-release. If you are prepared to publish, then you need to “click” the ready to publish button and save the information.
Upload Manuscript
Now, it is time to upload your manuscript. Here you will upload whatever format you’ve chosen for your book. Again, you can upload numerous different types of documents to Amazon.
Upload or Create Cover
Next, you will upload or create your own book cover. Unless you know what you’re doing, you should have a cover made for you.
Once you’ve uploaded your manuscript and your book cover, you will have the option of previewing your book. You can scroll through the book and look at each page to see if there are any errors. Making changes prior to publishing is important.
If everything looks good, then you are ready to move to the next section. The bottom of the page has an ISBN section, but you don’t need to add anything there. Instead, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit save and continue.
KDP Select
If you want to have your book available for Kindle Unlimited (KU) subscribers and receive money for pages read and participate in free or countdown promotions, then you must “click” yes. There isn’t a lot of money in KU pages read, but it is worth it for erotica. A lot of people who read erotica subscribe to this service.
In the past, an erotic short story would typically go for $2.99. That is not always the case now. You will still get pages read, but you might not get as many sales at that price point; unless you are a top known author. As a result, you might be better off putting your book in for the 30% plan and price your book at $.99. It isn’t much per book, but you are more likely to get sales at this price point.
Other Sections
Again, there are other sections, but these are the necessary ones. Now, you’re ready to scroll down and “click” publish. Yes!
In the next 24 to 72 hours, your book will be available for purchase, and you are a published erotica writer.
To learn more about each of these sections, click on the book below and write your first erotic short story!

Don’t forget – Grab the companion workbook for your step-by-step guide!

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Alexia Chase
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