There are numerous mistakes that you can make as an author of erotica, and I don’t want you to make those errors. Several of these have already been discussed in previous chapters, but I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight them again.
No Story
There must be substance to your erotic short story. If it is just a compilation of sex scenes with no character development, then you’re writing porn. Submit your account to a skin magazine (or internet porn site) instead of Amazon.
Unless you’re writing a story about alien sex, make the characters and story relatable. Just because it is erotica doesn’t mean the concept has to be over the top. Simple is better than complicated. Most individuals reading erotica are doing so to escape and prefer a good happily ever after. Give it to them!
Head Swapping
Another problem that a lot of new authors struggle with is swapping heads in the middle of scenes. Don’t. It is too confusing, and your reader can’t relate to either of the characters. Instead, you should use different points of view in separate scenes, if not chapters or books.
Gratuitous Sex
Yes, erotica is based on sex. However, sex needs to have a purpose. Gaining confidence. Growing closer to another person. Exploring their identity. Searching for acceptance.
No Knowledge
Not knowing what you are talking about is the next author faux pas. If you don’t understand the topic you are writing about, it won’t sound authentic. For example, if you are writing gay erotica, you need to know what sex acts that men can do and enjoy doing together. Or if you are writing a bondage story, you need to not only know how the parties have sex, but you need to understand why someone enjoys being a dom and a sub. Otherwise, it will sound stupid.

Mixing Tense and Person
Another issue that new authors run into is sticking with the same tense (i.e., present, past, or future, and the many variations of the same). When you don’t have a sound grasp on the English language and grammar, you must have a high-quality editor to whip your shit into a decent manuscript.
I was pretty good at English, have been writing as a professional for over twenty years, have a college degree, and attempted to become an author for twelve years – and still mess stuff up. If you’re struggling, you should write a short story and then get an editor. It is a reasonable expense to learn how to be a better writer.
Not Having an Audience
It is extremely tough to grow traction as an Indie author or as a published author for that matter. Publishing houses aren’t taking a risk on newbies without an audience either. So built that audience.
Over and Under Pricing
It is a challenge to decide what will be the best pricing point for your books. However, by researching your genre and reviewing the information provided by Amazon, you can make an educated decision about price. It can be a bitter pill to swallow that you put in hours of blood, sweat, and tears, and you aren’t able to get huge royalties. But it is a part of building yourself up in a very competitive marketplace.
Believing Someone Will Steal Your Work
It is common for new authors to worry that another person is going to steal their work. When you’re first started out, you will hold onto your words like they’re your first-born child. Within a year, you’ll loosen up. By your third year, you’ll be passing that kid around like it takes a village to raise it. You won’t care who picks it up!
Now, on a more serious note, there is so much information out there that someone finding you and wanting to steal your stuff does not have a high probability of occurring. And, the web is your friend. If someone steals from you, you have a digital footprint to follow from email, Amazon, FB Messenger, FB Newsfeeds, and other databases (Fiverr, Bookspout, etc.) that you use. You will have the evidence you need to prove ownership if required.
6 More Mistakes to Avoid
Concerned about making a mistake? There are six more mistakes that you must avoid. Click here to read about them all.

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Alexia Chase
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